Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mad as Hell & I'm Not Going to Take This Anymore

Can anyone tell me the how Obama and the Dems can justify this ram-through, hurried, unread HC bill without detailing:
  1. How will they cut costs (not fudged up, or imaginery)?
  2. Why have they not consulted with the experts in the field?
  3. How much will it cost the averag joe without pulling #'s out the air?
  4. Why do they think that government can run anything efficiently when they never have in the past? (anyone with a real world example, please respond)
  5. Why are federal emploees and labor unions exempt from the proposed provisions?
  6. Why the rush? (Could it be that widespread discussion will pull the curtain back on this boondoggle)
  7. Why don't we put this on the back burner and get people back to work and our economy
  8. chugging again?
Driscoll B
Proud Texan and American

1 comment:

  1. I remember when that photo was taken. It realy looks cool.
